Saturday, November 27, 2010

Good News and Bad News

First, the bad news. KCET is one of the few HD PBS stations in my area, and they will no longer be a part of the PBS network starting January 1st of 2011. KCET is one of the primary stations I use to capture WordGirl episodes. The other PBS stations in my area are unreliable when it comes to broadcasting new episodes of anything, or I just can't receive the other PBS stations due to my geographical location. You can read more about KCET going independent here and here.

Now the good news, two new WordGirl episodes should be broadcasting around January 3rd and the 17th. Those episodes should be 3x08 and 3x11, respectively. You can view this information too at the KET PBS affiliate website here.

As for encoding and uploading those new episodes, it may actually take months to even capture the episodes. The other PBS stations in my area are very unreliable when it comes to broadcasting new episodes of any show, so don't expect the new WordGirl episodes on this blog soon after they are supposed to air.


  1. That sucks! XC But as long as you're able to get the episodes up EVENTUALLY then thats what matters; you'll still be faster than the PBS Kids Go website; those guys take forever!

    I know I've said this before, but it's never really enough; thanks for going to all the troble to make episodes avilable to everyone! ^^

  2. Uhh...And sorry bout' the misspellings. XD

  3. Did you watch the new episodes? X3

  4. I got lucky for this new episode. One of the smaller PBS stations had, but they don't broadcast anything in HD. More info in the upcoming new post. :)
